The institute has extensive technical equipment at its disposal. There are dynamic engine test benches, a large number of specialised autonomous measuring systems and powerful simulation and calculation tools.
Engine Test Benches
6 engine test benches with electric load machines (4-quadrant drive) from 400 to 630 Nm torque with 200 kW power each.
- Oil, water, air and EGR conditioning. Flexible maximum pressure injection
- Programmable test bench control system
- Flexible indexing possibilities
- Fuel consumption and air mass measurement
- Exhaust gas analysis systems
- Variable pallet system
Further loading devices (2-quadrant, water vortex brake) are available.

Component Test Benches
- Injection pump test bench
- Injection curve and quantity test bench (Injection Analyser, IAV)
- High-pressure injection chamber for spray tests (up to 50 bar, 43 litre volume, visually accessible)
- Ignited high-pressure injection chamber for spray and ignition tests (up to 200 bar, up to 2000°C, 2.3 litre volume, optically accessible, gas mixing device)
Space is available for further component test benches.
Combustion Test Benches
- ABH 60: Flexible flame test stand up to 60 kWtherm
- ABH 200: Large test stand for turbulent flames up to 200 kWtherm (planned)
- ABH 450: Atmospheric gas turbine burner test rig up to 450 kWtherm (together with TFD-Hannover)
- High-pressure hot gas test bench with 300 mm internal diameter and up to 6 m length for operating pressures up to 3 bar (can be extended to 10 bar), with urea injection device and extensive optical measurement technology
- Small test burners (lam. firing speed, student experiments)
- Mobile exhaust gas analysis (Testo, FI detector)

Laser Measurement Technology
- Stereo-PIV-System
- High-Speed-Cameras
- High-Speed-Stereo-PIV-System
- Planar laser measurement system (Nd:YAG-Dye laser system, image-enhanced cameras) for the use of planar LIF / tracer LIF / Rayleigh / LII / and Mie measurement techniques to measure mixture formation, injection and combustion in sprays and flames
- LDA-PDA Measuring System
- Long Distance Microscope
- Fibre optic measurement technology
Measuring and Calibration Equipment
- Comprehensive sensor measuring technology
- Calibration equipment (with DKD certificate), temperature: -20 to 1200°C; pressure: 1 to 4000 bar
- Mobile Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) for measuring exhaust gas compositions
Calculation Software
- Computational Fluid Dynamics: ANSYS-FLUENT, CONVERGE
- Combustion and kinetics calculation: Cosilab, Cantera
- Motor process calculation: GT-Power, Matlab-Simulink
- Construction: Solid Edge
- Design and FEM calculation: Creo