

  • Höltermann, M.; Wichmar, J.; Dinkelacker, F. (2019): Influence of the Backpressure on Urea Sprays Generated by an Air-Blast Atomizer for Large-Scale SCR-ApplicationsInternational Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0046, 22-24 January 2019, San Antonio, Texas, USA
    DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0046
  • Wichmar, J.; Höltermann, M.; Dinkelacker, F. (2018): Application of Phase-Doppler Anemometry to Investigate the Urea Spray in a Hot Gas Test Rig14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2018), 22-26 July 2018, Chicago, USA [Poster]
  • Höltermann, M.; Kawaharada, N.; Wichmar, J.; Dinkelacker, F. (2017): Messungen zur Eindüsung von wässriger Harnstofflösung in einen Hochdruck-Heißgaskanal für SCR-AnwendungenTagungsband Motorische Verbrennung - Aktuelle Probleme und moderne Lösungsansätze (XIII. Tagung), Ludwigsburg, 16.-17. März 2017, ESYTEC, Erlangen, Heft 17.1, S. 51-61
    ISBN: 978-3-945806-08-1
  • Höltermann, M.; Wichmar, J.; Wittenbreder, T.; Dinkelacker, F. (2017): Investigation of Ammonia Synthesis for Large Scale SCR-Applications by Means of a Hot Gas Test Rig8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Kawaharada, N.; Höltermann, M.; Wichmar, J.; Dinkelacker, F. (2017): Investigation on the role of atomization air mixing on the spray characteristics of air assisted atomizerILASS–Europe 2017, 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 6-8 September 2017, Valencia, Spain
    DOI: 10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4768